All About Lab created Diamonds

All About Lab created Diamonds

The Lab Created Diamonds are grown from a single seed of Diamond with the same heat and pressure as under the earth’s crust. These diamonds are more like the creation of test tube babies where real babies are born but through laboratory intervention. Similarly, these diamonds are real diamonds that only vary in their origin. Moreover, since these diamonds do not scar the earth’s surface as they do not require mining, they are ecologically friendly. Besides, since the lab-grown diamonds avoid the stigma of “blood diamonds”, they are universally accepted and popular. Of late, the market for the lab-grown market is prodigious.


How are lab-created diamonds made?

The carbon seeds of the pre-existing diamonds make for an essential component in the making of lab-grown diamonds. With the advent of advanced technology, the required heat and pressure of the earth are mimicked to create diamonds. In some cases, a special deposition process known as CVD is used. CVD replicates the natural diamond formation method.


A lab-grown diamond is created in two processes: High-Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). In the HPHT process, the diamond is formed through three manufacturing processes a belt press, a cubic press, and a split sphere. All these processes are instrumental in creating extremely high pressure and high temperature for the growth of diamonds. In the HPHT process, a diamond seed is placed into the carbon. Then with any of the manufacturing methods, the pure carbon is melted to form a diamond around the seed. And finally, it is cooled down to create a pure carbon diamond.


In the CVD process, a thin slice of diamond seed is placed in a sealed chamber filled with carbon-rich gases and heated to around 800 degrees Celsius. The gases are ionized into plasma using a technology similar to microwaves. This ionization breaks the molecular bond of the gases. The pure carbon released adheres to the diamond seed and crystallizes to form a diamond.


When small amounts of trace elements are present during the growth phase of the diamond, colorful diamonds are formed. However, in both white and colorful lab-created diamonds, the actual composition of the trace elements can differ from their natural equivalents. A lab-created diamond differs from its natural counterparts only in its origin. And it can be distinguished from a natural diamond only by using some specific equipment that can tell the minor differences in trace elements and the crystal growth. The lab-grown diamonds exhibit similar physical, chemical, and optical features as the natural diamonds. And so they have the same scintillation and sparkle as the naturally formed diamonds, which makes it impossible to discriminate them from the natural ones.


The Perks of Man-made Diamonds:

Lately, the popularity of lab-grown diamonds has been escalating so much that people looking to Buy Engagement Rings prefer lab-grown diamond variants for their exclusive benefits. Since a lab-grown diamond is as real as a natural diamond and comes with the same physical and chemical compositions, they have become a favorite among buyers. Besides, there are instances when the lab-created diamonds are better in quality because of the highly controlled environment during their creation. Because of the monitored process in which they are created, lab-grown diamonds have some attractive advantages.


Some of the advantages are:

  • they come with fewer defects,
  • are more affordable than natural diamonds,
  • are more beautiful because of their higher quality and purity,
  • are environmentally friendly,
  • are available in unique and desirable pieces,
  • rare color diamonds which are not available in nature,
  • and the source is trackable.


With the possibility to track the source, you can choose yours accordingly from a source that doesn’t engage in unlawful activities.


How are these diamonds graded and certified?

Similar to natural diamonds, the Lab Created Diamonds are sent to the gemstone laboratory to be certified by an expert. The gradation process is also the same, as they are graded based on cut, clarity, carat, and color. As the cut is responsible for the brilliance of the diamond, it is assumed to be the most important factor of a diamond. The clarity refers to the absence of cracks and defects and the overall appearance. The carat is all about the size and weight of the diamond. However, when color is concerned, lack of color or the colorless variant makes for a higher grade of a diamond.


Final Word

In a nutshell, it can be said, that lab-created diamonds are in no way peripheral to natural diamonds. Of late, many credible jewellery brands are selling and using lab-grown diamonds for their jewellery. You can Buy Engagement Rings with lab-created solitaires from a reputed store like Starfire Jewellery. Starfire is known for creating unique and beautiful jewellery that resembles the inner you.

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